Soup for The Foundry Nuke
First of a kind Cine Film Lab
- Silver Sensitivity
- Bleach Bypass
- Developer Concentrate
- Force Processing
- Agitation Cycle
- Replenisher Flow
- Spectral Diffusion
Soup simulates the development of the photographic emulsion through the traditional film processing chain, imparting film sensibilities to digital footage. All Soup Camera Stock Profiles were crafted from scratch through Reverator’s Standard Film Lab Processor, emulating LUT-Free Agfa, Kodak, and Fuji cine camera and print stocks. Looks can be adjusted for Exposure, Temperature, Cast, Tint, Color, Density, and Printer Lights. Soup works in over 30 Camera and workspace gamuts at full 32-bit floating point precision per color channel.
Third-party Looks created through Reverator’s Special Lab Processing (halation, pull and push processing, silver sensitivity, developer concentration, agitation cycle, replenisher flow rate, bleach bypass, spectral diffusion) can be loaded, but are rendered with random dropouts. Soup can be used as a Camera Look Node upstream, a Print Look Node downstream, or as a single Node of Camera with Print Profiles. Gang multiple Soup Nodes to blend custom Looks. Soup is currently available on Windows and Linux. Apple Metal coming soon.